Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Privacy & Confidentiality

Can we actually say new media sites stick to the policy of privacy and confidentiality? A lot of these websites that we can post information on have the option of keeping it private, but people can somehow still access that information. A lot of these websites ask you for personal information that you may not necessarily think is a big deal to put out there, but it could get into the wrong hands. A social media site like Facebook is an example of that. People will post information about their day on Facebook, about what they are doing, where they are, what they might be doing later. This can be a bad thing because you don't know who is looking at your profile and reading what your posting. This could lead to stalking and people trying to find you at these locations. This is a very serious thing. Once you post something online, I believe it will always be there, even if you delete it. Nothing is that private anymore and the internet makes it easier not to be.

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