Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Social Networking

Social Networking is becoming more and more popular throughout the years with many different people. It is being used between family, friends and even businesses. One thing social networking is big on is communicating between people. On Facebook, people talk to their friends and family everyday, some people even meet new people on sites like this. My mom has just come in contact with family that she did not even know she had. Searching for people is easy considering most people on Facebook use their real names. It makes it easy to find anyone you need to. That goes for a lot of the other social networking sites, you can find people really fast and it's simple. Since I lived in Florida for most of my high school years, I left a lot of friends behind when I came back here. Being able to have social networking I can still keep in contact with them. I have so many of them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, that I can talk to them any time I want and it doesn't feel like we're so far apart. Another way social networking is used is for businesses which the article "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting" by Frank Langfitt shows us. Maureen Crawford-Hentz was looking for someone new to fill one of her open job spots her company had. She thought she would explore the internet and used a site called Linkedin. This website is known for people using it to get jobs and networking. She came across someone that drew her attention and ended up contacting him. This shows social networking making it easier for businesses to recruit new workers. This is one of the benefits for social networking. The easiness and quickness of using the web to find new employees or even to find new family members. It can also benefit us, by allowing people to communicate with anyone in the world, like I do with my friends from Florida. You never have to lose contact with anyone who has any type of social networking. It might have plenty of benefits, but social networking has it downfalls. In the article "Is MySpace Good for Society? A Freakonomics Quorum" by Stephen J. Dubner, people are asked how they think social networking is affecting society. While a lot of their answers are positive, a few believe it could be negatively affecting society. Martin Baily talks about how sharing too much information might not be the best thing. You no longer have privacy and it can actually end up being very dangerous. He also states that there is a lot of cyber bullying going on that causes suicides. Judith Donath also interviewed in the article states that the bad side of social networking is that it "devalues the meaning of friend." She says that a friend can just be anyone whose profile you have visited. Social networking can make it very hard for people to have relationships.


  1. Hi Jamel,

    I really found your post to be insightful, I completely agree with it. The pros and cons that you included in this post were very interesting.


  2. I agree with everything you said about Facebook and I do think that it is great that you are able to find and connect with people with whom you were not able to be able to stay in contact with before.
