Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Blog About Twitter

There are similarities and differences in the way we have discussions over Twitter, Blackboard and in class. On Twitter we can discuss topics through tweets. We tweet our feelings, but you have space for 140 characters. The tweets are in order by the latest that was posted. In order to have a discussion about a certain topic with other people you can either retweet what was posted and then comment on it, or you can comment with the same hashtags. It is simple and easy holding a discussion over Twitter, but the tweets are not all grouped together. Blackboard is also a good way to hold a discussion online. This way might be even more easier and simpler then using Twitter. It is under the tab called Discussion and usually there are different topics listed from the teacher. You chose the topic and click create thread. There is where you post your answer to the questions or your comments on the topic. Under each different topic is everyone's answers all organized. It is listed by the the latest time. You can view each answer individually or open all them up at the same time. The only bad part about this, is that students might not read what everyone wrote, so it isn't as effective. The in class discussion is probably the best way to communicate. You are all face to face and everyone gets to hear what other people think. It is the easiest way to have everyone participate at the same time and actually hold a discussion for as long as the class is. Although in class discussions have been around forever and are probably the most popular of the three, using Twitter and Blackboard are becoming more and more popular along with many other social networks.

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