Blogs and Wikis are both very similar, but very different at the same time. A blog is basically written by one author, who shares their opinions on topics of their interest. These blog posts can then be commented on by outside people. Anyone from any part of the world can access these blogs and comment on them. It makes it very easy to communicate with others. Usually with a blog, there a multiple posts about different things by that author, so as time goes on the older blog posts can be forgotten, or not looked at as often. The comments on these blogs usually needs to be approved by the blogger, therefore not everything will get posted. Communication will take place through these comments. Wikis are usually a collaborative effort, where there is many different authors contributing. Unlike a blog, with wikis anyone can edit the post at any time. It is constantly changing as new people read it. This is also a good way of communicating and can be used anywhere in the world. Where as the in the blog, the discussion takes place in the comments, the discussion in a wiki can take place right in the work. Wikis usually contain information, rather than opinion, although sometimes people may throw their opinions into the page. Bot the Blogs and Wikis have are important in convergence for a business. The article
Pentagon Keeps Wary Watch as Troops Blog by James Dao may mainly focus on the negative influences troops can face while blogging, but it also shows the importance of this new technology emerging. The troops feel like they should be able to blog and express their feelings during their time at war. Mud Puppy, one of the soldiers who uses blogging as an outlet of his feelings says he thinks it is very important they allow soldiers to express themselves through blogs. He feels that people need to know what is actually going on from the soldiers, most importantly the ones who are facing the problems right now. It also helps them communicate with other soldiers and also people higher up in the military. I think blogging while in the military can be a good form of therapy for the soldiers since they can express themselves and also talk to others that are currently going through what they are going through. This article shows how important blogging can be to a business and just something so simple by letting them communicate with one another and express their feelings. Wikis are also just as important as it emerges which the article
Wikipedia Founder Jimmy
Wales on Making the Most of Company Wikis by Gardiner Morse explains. Right off the back the article explains that companies use wikis in order for people to communicate within the business. They use it to determine meeting times, thinking of new possible projects, and figuring out what is best working for the company. It is one of the best ways for employees in a business to collaborate on ideas. Blogs are not typically thought of as a collaborative effort, but it can always turn into one. When a person posts a blog it is usually their opinions on a certain topic. This can later be commented on by outside people who are providing their own opinions on the work and the topic. The author of the blog can then comment back to that person and so on. This can turn into a collaborative effort when the author is trying to write a new blog post. The author can use ideas from other people who have contributed to their posts. This is one way that a blog can turn into a collaborative effort. Wikis are becoming a very popular form of communication and has been introduced to many different companies. I think wikis will eventually be used in businesses that are selling clothing and shoes. I think if employees use wikis as a way to communicate and get their brands out there, they will sell more products. I also believe it can help them get feed back from their customers and that will help them with new ideas on how to sell their products. It can also help maybe even set up these products in a store, so they look more presentable. I believe being able to get customer feedback is very important for stores and the more ways you can get it, the better.